I found this on Facebook. Thought it was nice enough to share...
It’s not something I talk about much, which is strange because my
faith is actually a huge part of my life. I think the main reason is
because I don’t like to feel judged, and I don’t want anyone else to
assume I’m judging them. Religion is a very sacred and personal thing to
most people, enough so that the mere mention of the word “religion” is
bound to offend someone, or at least initiate a case of the cold sweats
(I’m kind of a sweaty person anyway, but uncomfortable religious talk DEFINITELY
gives me armpit tacos). I’m also pretty private (yes, blogging propels
me far outside my comfort zone), and I’m typically not prone to talking
about my personal life unless people ask.
But I’ve started to realize that a lot of my friends and family are actually pretty curious about Mormons, but are too afraid to ask.
What do Mormons believe? Do we worship Jesus Christ or Joseph Smith? Why do we wear funny underwear?!
I know quite a few people harbor some pretty deep-seated
misconceptions about Mormons. Some can’t stand us (I hadn’t seen this
type of animosity until I moved to Mormon Mecca (a.k.a. Utah), which
totally surprised me). Many are confused by us. Probably an even larger
number are unaware we exist (I was one of these. I grew up thinking
Mormons were the predecessors of the Amish…Not totally sure where that
came from). The thing is, I really love being Mormon–honestly, I do. But
as a convert to this faith–I converted when I was 20–I’m fully aware of
how our church and its members are perceived from the outside looking
I sat thinking today, and I realized that I desperately wished people
knew more about my faith. And believe me, not in the hopes that they
would denounce their faiths and dive into the Mormony waters of baptism;
my motives are more selfish than that. I just want people to stop
looking at me like I have three heads when they find out I’m Mormon. I
also want them to know I’m a normal person, with faults and feelings and
hopes and disappointments that make me just like everyone else. I could
have made a really long, doctriney-based list, but I narrowed down
five, super non-specific things I wish more people knew about Mormons:
1. Mormons are Christian (and while we’re on the subject: The Mormon Church Isn’t a Cult)
The actual name of the “Mormon” church, in case you didn’t know, is
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (I use Mormon and LDS
Church interchangeably, since most people are more familiar with
“Mormon”). ”Mormon” is actually a nickname that came from the Book of Mormon,
a book of scripture which is another testament of Jesus Christ. We
believe in God (our literal Father in heaven), in his Son Jesus Christ,
and in the Holy Ghost. We believe Jesus Christ is the Savior and
Redeemer of the world, that He was crucified and was resurrected. We
worship Him, learn of Him through the Old and New Testament, as well as
the Book of Mormon, and strive to become more like Him.
On that same note, I’m not entirely sure why people think the Mormon
church is a cult–more so than any other religion, anyway. Sure some of
our doctrine may seem foreign to some, but ALL religions are built upon
stories and assertions that defy science and logic. Christians actually believe a mortal was the literal Son of God, and that he was capable of healing the sick and raising the dead. Jews actually believe Moses parted the Red Sea. Hindus actually believe people die and continue to be reincarnated over and over again. Muslims actually
believe Muhammad spoke to the Angel Gabriel. (I had a comment here
about Atheism that several atheists informed me was inaccurate–so…it’s
out. I don’t want to misrepresent others’ beliefs, especially
considering the spirit of this post (yikes Kelly, way to be a raging
hypocrite!)). It’s also worth noting that there are nearly 15 million
Mormons worldwide, which is actually about the same as the worldwide
Jewish population. We may not be “mainstream”, but we’re not small and
we’re not extreme. As a whole, we have really traditional views on most
social issues, which are pretty in-line with most Christian
denominations. Not to mention, we wholeheartedly believe in free choice
as well as freedom of religion for everybody, including Mormons who
decide the whole Mormon thing just isn’t for them. I haven’t been asked
to drink any Kool-Aid yet, but I’ll keep you updated.
2. Mormons Aren’t Judging You
Obviously, this is collectively speaking. I’m sure there are
Mormons that judge you, just like there are inevitably atheists,
Catholics, Muslims, and Jews that judge you. I think most of this
perceived judgment comes from the fact that we’re encouraged to live a
pretty straight lifestyle–we commit to abstaining from alcohol, coffee
or tea, smoking and using drugs. We believe in chastity before marriage.
We’re commanded to avoid pornography, and we’re encouraged to dress
modestly, to not swear, etc. etc. etc. Not surprisingly, people assume
that because I say “no” when I’m offered a beer that I’m secretly
condemning them because they drink beer. I get it. I’m guilty of that line of thinking. My brother recently became a vegetarian, and I just knew
at every meal he was thinking I was Satan for enjoying tasty animal
flesh while he gnoshed on beans and lettuce. But the truth is, 1. I
don’t think most of the things I abstain from are truly bad, I’ve just
made a commitment to not to do those things 2. I don’t have the time or
energy to judge you and 3. That’s not what Christ would do; I love
President Uchtdorf’s (a member of the presidency of our church) thoughts
on judging others:
“When it comes to hating, gossiping, ignoring, ridiculing, holding
grudges, or wanting to cause harm, please apply the following:
Stop it!
It’s that simple. We simply have to stop judging others and replace
judgmental thoughts and feelings with a heart full of love for God and
His children. “
What it comes down to is that I respect your choices, and I hope you can respect mine. So let’s just be friends.
3. Mormon.org Can Answer Most of Your Questions (So can…Mormons)
When I find people spouting off negative, inaccurate information
about the LDS Church, I’m never surprised to find that it typically
originates from websites whose sole intention is to promulgate negative,
inaccurate information about the LDS Church. If you wanted to learn
about black history, you wouldn’t check the KKK website first, would
you?? Likewise, if you have a question about Mormons or the Mormon
church, wouldn’t it make sense to go straight to the source?
Mormon.org and
are sponsored by the LDS Church and have a ton of information for both
Mormons and non-Mormons. (2nd Edit: This is not to say that people
should ONLY view websites sponsored by the Mormon church–there are MANY
great non-church sponsored websites that have a lot of good information
about Mormons, and allow for candid discussions about the Mormon faith. I
would caution, that people need to be aware (especially those who are
completely unfamiliar with Mormon beliefs) that there are many sites
that are FULL of misinformation about the Mormon church, and as far as
learning the fundamentals of our beliefs, I still think Mormon.org and
LDS.org are the place to go). I think you’ll also find that most Mormons
are happy to have you just ask them directly if you’re curious about
something. I don’t get offended when people have genuine questions about
my religion; I appreciate the fact that they consider me a reputable
source, and I’m honored that they feel comfortable enough to ask.
4. We’re Not (Always) Trying to Convert You
I had one friend tell me she thought most Mormons were really nice,
but she couldn’t stand feeling like they were always trying to get her
to convert. The fact is, our church is HUGE on proselyting; so much so
that boys over 18 are expected to serve a two year church mission (I’m
sure you’ve seen them in suits with backpacks, bikes, and name tags).
Aside from our missionaries (whose actual purpose is in fact to
introduce people to our church and the gospel of Jesus Christ), most
Mormons are just normal people who are really
excited about their faith. Why? Because most find it to be extremely
meaningful and fulfilling, and it makes them happy. Yes, listening to
them might be overwhelming, but if it is, politely change the subject or
tell your friend or neighbor you’re not comfortable having that
conversation. There’s no competition or reward for conversions or
baptisms. If someone has a hidden agenda to befriend you in order to get
you to convert, that’s wrong. And it’s crazy. But if in the normal
course of your relationship religion comes up, and your Mormon friend
shares things about their faith, it’s not because they’re trying to suck
you in or brainwash you. I would hope most Mormons are just as
interested in learning about your faith and the things that are
important to you as they are about sharing their own.
5. Not All Mormons are Like that One Weird Mormon Person you Know
I’m never sure how I should feel when I’ve known someone for a little
while and they say to me, “Wow, I never would have guessed you were
Mormon!”, especially when they say it as a compliment. On the one hand,
I’m grateful to NOT fit whatever horrible stereotype they’ve bought into
and project on every Mormon person they meet. But on the other hand, I
REALLY REALLY like being Mormon, and I’m not ashamed of it. The fact is,
stereotyping someone because of their religion is the same as
stereotyping someone for being black, or Asian, or Muslim, or female.
All I ask is that you see me as a human first, that you give me the
benefit of the doubt and get to know me first before you decide whether
or not we can be friends.
Thanks for making it this far down the list. I hope you now know that
if you have questions about Mormons, here’s one you can ask :)